So, what to do when this type of error message appears? You will find the answer here in the discussion of How to Turn Off Screen Overlay in the Samsung J7. That message comes as “Screen Overlay Detected, to change this permission setting, you first have to turn off the screen overlay in Settings > Apps.” If you do not disable it then, the app will not install. Most of the users have seen that error message while installing a new app. (However, without highlighting which app is the actual problem, the error seems fairly useless, IMHO.Have you ever got the pop-up as Screen Overlay Detected on your smartphone? Might be, all the users have the same answer, and it will be Yes. As the user, you can change your response later, which is the essence of what that pop-up window is asking: the window is saying, "I cannot do what I need to do, unless you change your answer to that earlier problem".

Since this is the case, any time an app asks for permission to a particular thing, such as drawing over other apps, the user's yes or no response is recorded. the app will work to the best of its capability, if the permission is rejected. Similarly, some permissions can be granted or rejected. Permissions are not asked / required upon app installation, but rather upon when the app needs that permission. Last little tidbit: I am not 100% certain about this, but from what I know of Android, it seems things work as follows in Mashmallow:

I had this same problem with my Nexus 5X, using Android M.